Heritage rose


Königin von Dänemark HISTORIC ROSE

- pharmaROSA®

pharmaROSA® ORIGINAL - 2 liters potted roses

Pink - historic - alba rose - strong scented rose - damask aroma

Fragrance: strong scented rose - damask aroma
Height: 3.9-5.9ft (120-180 cm)
Disease: Not susceptible to diseases.
Remontancy: Once blooming.
Profile: -
Königin von Dänemark
21,60 £
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Profile: -
Product type: pharmaROSA® ORIGINAL - 2 liters potted roses
Product name: Rosa Königin von Dänemark - pink - historic - alba rose
Type of identity: Tested:12.02.2024
Species quality: premium silver


Meaning of the name: -
Synonymic name: Dronningen af Danmark (Alba, Booth, 1816), Koenigen van Danemark (Alba, Booth, 1816), Naissance de Venus, New Maiden Blush, Queen of Denmark (Alba, Booth, 1816), Reine de Denmarck (Alba, Booth, 1816), Reine du Danemark (Alba, Booth, 1816)
Registered species name: -
Original commercial name: Königin von Dänemark
Commercial name: HISTORIC ROSE pharmaROSA® Königin von Dänemark
Exhibition name accepted by American Rose Society: Königin von Dänemark


Treder: pharmaROSA®
Awards: -
Year became commerc: -
Year of registration: -
Year of breeding: Germany, 1816
Breeder: James Booth


Rose group: Alba, Centifolia
Commercial type: historic - alba rose
Commercial group: historic rose


Number of petals: 40+
Flower fullness: full bloom form
Aroma: damask aroma
Scent: strong scented rose
Remontancy: Once blooming.
Flower size: L (2,75-3,95 in)
Inflorescence: cluster
Flower shape: rosette
Flower colour: pink
Colour: pink
Colour code: PIk

Rose hip

Hip biggest diameter: -
Hip shape: -
Hip colour: pink


Plant range: 2.6-3.3ft (80-100 cm)
Planting / sq feet: 10-20/sq ft
Width: 3.9-4.9ft (120-150 cm)
Height: 3.9-5.9ft (120-180 cm)
Habit: Special roses reminder to the atmosphere of old ages. Their collection, breeding or discovering were before 1920.
Foliage: glossy - dark green
Thorns: highly thorny


Winter hardiness USDA: -29°C
Susceptibility to disease: Not susceptible to diseases.


Previously used trademark: -
Comment: -

Product ID

Item number: [885] 52-548 (28.01.2025) pharmarosa.co.uk


Company informations

pharmaROSA® - pharmaROSA® Ltd.
 Company registration number: 01-09-717479
 Tax number: 13075314-2-43
 Bank account number:
   Bank's name: Raiffeisen Bank
   E-mail: info@pharmarosa.co.uk


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